RX-FULLDRAW 5 WITH DNA BLACK/GREEN OLEDRX-FullDraw 5 Rangefinder Green/Black - 6x Magnification - OLED - Flight Path -Line of Sight - Selectable Reticles - RX-FullDraw 5 accepts an even broader range of velocity inputs, allowing you to input numbers as low as 170 feet per secone of velocity inputs, allowing you to input numbers as low as 170 feet per secondd | 030317032340

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RX-1400I TBR/W GEN 2 W/FLIGHTPATHRX-1400I TBR/W Gen 2 Rangefinder Black - 5x Magnification - Line Of Sight LOS- Bow Mode - TBR-W - Last Target Mode - Flightpath - TOLED - Selectable Reticles - Its dead-on ranging engine delivers the speed and accuracy serious backcountr- Its dead-on ranging engine delivers the speed and accuracy serious backcountry sportsmeny sportsmen | 030317036713

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RX-5000 TBR/W WITH DNA BLK/BLK RED OLEDRX-5000 TBR/W Black - Red OLED Display - 5000 Yards Max - The RX-5000 TBR/W is the rangefinder for the modern hunter. With an impressive 5,000-yard ranging capability, this optic ensures precise shots every time. But what really sets it apability, this optic ensures precise shots every time. But what really sets it apart is its integrt is its integ | 030317039318

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LASER RANGE FINDER 1000M WITH BLUETOOTHAuxiliary Ballistic1000 LaserRangefinder Simple and quick to attach - Smart controls - Bluetooth - Smooth integration with your smart phone - Ultra low power profile - Sunshade - 5-1000 yard rangeofile - Sunshade - 5-1000 yard range | 658175115205

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LASER RANGE FINDER 1500M WITH BLUETOOTHAuxiliary Ballistic1500 LaserRangefinder 5-1500 yards - Simple and quick to attach - Smart controls - Bluetooth - Ultra low power profile - Sunshade - Environmental rating Waterproof - Pairs with Smart HD Obsidian II or higherntal rating Waterproof - Pairs with Smart HD Obsidian II or higher | 658175115212